Friday 19 April 2024

Live LIGHT Loop for Friday, April 19, 2024

The Live LIGHT LOOP celebrates all things Live LIGHT - including the books, and courses, and resources, and community and coaching that can be found on

Trevor Lund is the founder of Live LIGHT Academy at and the Content Creator at Check out for past videos and live casts and to subscribe to his podcast wherever you listen.

Live LIGHT Loop

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TL/DL/DW - Read the notes for the Live LIGHT Loop

This is the Live LIGHT Loop for Friday, April 19, 2024.

I’m Trevor Lund the Content Creator at and the Founder of Live LIGHT Academy on

What about you?

You were created to walk with God in the garden in the cool of the day. Sin came into the world and you bore the consequences. Jesus came and reversed the curse and took your place and invited you to take His yoke that is easy and burden that is light. You are a child of God creation longs to be revealed. You are a living light. Don’t conform but be transformed, so you can have peace and joy and hope at all times and in every situation.

How Can I HELP?

Live LIGHT Academy has books and courses and resources and community and coaching to help you not conform but be transformed so you can have peace and hope and joy at all times and in every situation. What I create always needs to HELP - Honour, Empower, be Life-giving and Pleasing to God

How do I define myself?

I am a wisdom loving, knowledge sharing, God marvelling, life celebrating, kingdom living, soul healing, Lord seeking, gift imparting, Spirit flowing, grace knowing, irenic follower of the Way. I hold you capable and Holy Spirit trustable to finish the good work He's started in you.

What Am I working on?

Death and taxes… I had a funeral this week and I needed to file.

What would I like to be working on?

Live LIGHT with your Whole Heart Course

Newest Blog post

Go to to find this and more.

God is Always With Us. Will I be with Him? Read more at >>>

Most downloaded Podcast this week (78 episodes in Season 3)

Consider Others Better than Yourself Read more at >>>

Most engaging article on this week…

17 Reasons to Seek the Lord Read more at >>>

Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Course

Move from being easily regularly frustrated, usually feeling busy, often afraid or easily angered TO having peace at all times and in every situation.

Live LIGHT Above the Negativity Reflections and Devotional

Get the Live LIGHT Negativity Fast in Book form today. 47 days of reflections and devotionals to help you take thoughts captive and align with God's will for your life.

Live LIGHT Wellspring

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Carpe Vitae!


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